EP 095 – Who Is Your Competition?

EP 095 – Who Is Your Competition?

How many people think you are competing with Google/Facebook for dev talent? You’re nuts, but you’re not alone. So many companies consider Google/Facebook/Amazon/et al as competition for talent, but miss their real competition. In this episode, we think...
EP 091 – Employer Brand for Employees

EP 091 – Employer Brand for Employees

99% of all employer brand conversations are about recruiters, candidates and hiring managers. Um… how did we forget employees!? Not only are they the backbone and living embodiment of the brand, they are directly impacted by it. Show notes: I can help you solve...
EP 090 – Cast Offs

EP 090 – Cast Offs

Every day, you are collecting resumes from hundreds or thousands of people thinking this is their dream job, even though most won’t get so much as a phone call. If I ran a business where I annoyed and disappointed so many potential customers, I’d find that...
EP 085 – And The Kitchen Sink

EP 085 – And The Kitchen Sink

Before we head off to summer break to recharge the podcast’s batteries, here are all my notes and ideas that didn’t quite make it as full episodes. This episode is chock full of concepts and perspectives, clearing the way for a whole new set of episodes in...